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Research shows: students’ academic performance improves when brain and body work together. Though a sound foundation for any school’s wellness initiatives, how do you balance kids’ recommended physical activity guidelines and stay on goal? With Recess Rocks Active Classroom! Using multiple intelligences and active kinesthetic learning, these upbeat, non-stop 1–30 minute classroom and hallway activities:

  • Boost fitness and academic success
  • Improve students’ concentration, behavior
    and memory
  • Blend seamlessly into the school day
  • Encourage teachers to glean valuable ideas
    to energize future classes

A healthy brain/body lift for teachers too, Active Classroom activities come tailored for every need:

Lesson Plan Tie-ins

Enhance what you teach with moves that make lessons stick! Our 20 to 30 minute Lesson Plan Tie-in routines and 1 to 20 minute Lesson Plan Express activities can be customized to meet your state’s curriculum standards in language arts, science, math and more.

  • Open minds to teaching objectives
  • Understand concepts
  • Prepare for quizzes and tests
  • Improve retention and elevate scores

Subject Switchin'

Smooth transitions between classes and specials plus increase focus. One to 3 minute Subject Switchin' alerts grab kids’ attention and help them change gears without a fuss, calm classroom disruptions and preserve your quality teaching time.

Subject Switchin' also helps students:

  • Turn on learning energy
  • Heighten brain power
  • Invigorate interest
  • Polish classroom conduct

Class Time Moves

Boost energy and brain power all day long. When oxygen flows from a quick burst of physical activity, kids sharpen their focus and refresh their eagerness to learn. Plus 1 to 20 minute Class Time Moves add up to big benefits for all:

  • Beginning to End of Day. Wake up the brain to strengthen comprehension and concentration
  • Restart the Day. Empower students to “start over” and improve class mood
  • Your Class Your Way. Create unique mindset model for students every time they enter your class
  • Test Prep. Unlock students' creative functions and stimulate their stored intelligence

Hallway Grooves

Create fun, silent energy outlet on the move! Every time your students walk to and from specials, recess and lunch you can encourage the power created when body and brain move together. Adding simple brain teasers and:

  • Using cross crawl gets brain hemispheres talking to each other and intensifies brain activity
  • Making the upper body move differently than the lower body increases spine mobility
  • Giving kids some freedom as they move cultivates good conduct
  • Keeping them too busy to talk promotes delight in silent activities

Take a look at Bones, Muscles and Joints, Grades 4 to 5, then download fully detailed classes from the free Recess Rocks toolkit! Learn more and contact us today.

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Recess Rocks® is a registered trademark of Community Health Center, Inc. in the United States. © 2021 Community Health Center, Inc., all rights reserved.